Our Services

Sunday Services | 11am – 12:30pm
10am – Jesus & Coffee | 11am – Worship

Tuesday Evening Prayer | 6pm – 8pm
Drop In Anytime | Pray In Your Own Way

Who We Are

A loving church family who is truly concerned for the welfare of others. We express our faith in practical helpful activity actively, worship, prayer, ministry of the Word, Bible study, and fellowship with one another.

Mission & Values

To reach people with the love of Christ and establish them in a growing faith. We love God and we love people. We study the bible, pray for the sick, worship the Lord, feed the hungry, and share the love of Christ.

You’re Invited

Come as you are! Everyone is welcome!

Each service has a few brief announcements, a time of worship singing, music. The music is contemporary but don’t worry you will catch on and words are on the monitors. Prayer time, an encouraging and informative message, personal ministry if desired, and a few brief announcements.

Some Common Questions

  1. What do people wear? Anything, wear whatever is comfortable for you.
  2. Do you have handicap access? Yes, our handicap ramp is located on the side of our church.
  3. Where do I park? There is limited parking lot on the side and then ample street parking.

Service Times


10am | Sunday Jesus & Coffee – Beverages, pastry, prayer, and a Bible topic
11am | JAM (Jesus & Me) – Children’s Ministries
11am | Sunday Worship – Announcements, music, singing, prayer, sermon, and personal ministry


6pm – 8pm | Tuesday Prayer – No Agenda | Drop In Anytime | Pray In Your Own Way

Upcoming Events

Where To Find Us

2230 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance, CA 90501